Abdication - Fiction by Joyce Chua

breaths, Alex, I thought to myself. You’re the next Amazing Animal-Tamer. What’s
a mere snake to you?
The truth was, though, that I had
never been able to tame any animal, much less tame it amazingly. The circus had
assigned me this position because the last animal-tamer had his right leg
chomped off by a tiger he had been trying to tame. Naturally, once I’d heard
that, my new job had not inspired any confidence in me. But I needed this job.
And, as it turned out, there wasn’t much that a mute, half-deaf man of my age
and qualifications could do.
So there I was, trapped in a giant
steel cage with a giant snake ready to kill me. This test was meant to be my
initiation ceremony. I could see Homer, said ex animal-tamer with chomped-off
leg, watching from the sidelines. You would think my employers would be kind
enough to start from the basics – let me try training a goldfish or a dog or
something. You know, elementary level.
But apparently, circus performers
don’t have time for elementary level tricks. No, we had to leap straight to the
advanced level.
Back to business. No time for
regrets or complaints now. There would be time for that after I had gotten out
of this jail cell.
I got out of this jail cell. Alive.
Beano, the sword-juggler, rattled
the cage. “Get closer, man! How’re you going to quail the beast if you’re
afraid to get your hands dirty?”
He reached through the bars and
shoved me forward. I stumbled forth, catching myself a couple of meters before
the hissing creature.
The snake interpreted my advance
as an attack, and launched one of its own. I barely had time to dodge before it
pitched itself at me. Its fangs clamped down on one of the bars, where my neck
would have been had I been slower by a fraction of a second.
Cheers erupted from the spectator
stand, where almost the entire circus crew, including the ringmaster, Mr.
Caramel, was seated next to Homer. I was pretty sure they weren’t cheering for
me, though.
And true enough, Dobson the
fire-eater roared, “Did you see that? What a magnificent beast she is!”
“Beautiful attack, Comet!” Homer
cried. Rising to his feet, Mr. Caramel clapped his hands. His gold watch
gleamed as brightly as his shoes.
Comet. That thing had a name. And
it sure lived up to it, given the speed at which it moved. How was plain old
Alex supposed to tame a gigantic snake named Comet?
“Alex!” Mr. Caramel barked. “Stop
daydreaming! Do your job, or you’re going to be locked in there all day! I mean
I had no idea how to tame a snake,
but damned if I was going to be stuck in a cage with it for a day. I spread my
stance and raised my hands before me, ready to grab at the snake should it
launch a second attack. Perspiration pooled at the nape of my neck. I hoped no
one noticed my shaking hands.
When it came, I spared no time to
consider what I was doing. I saw my hands reach out to grab at it, then my
fingers wrap around its dry scaly body, just below its head.
It lashed its body at me, but I
hopped out of range in the nick of time. I waited for it to strike again, then
slammed my foot down on its writhing body. It thrashed like an out-of-control
hose and hissed so loudly I could hear it with my faulty ear.
With a free hand, I scrambled
around my pocket for my trusty old Swiss Army knife.
Right before the snake tossed me
off its body – right before I could lose my balance – I swung the blade across
the snake’s neck, just below where my other hand was clamped around it.
Blood. It flowed, poured, streamed
from the gash I had made. In a few moments, its body slackened, then became
completely limp.
I stared as it lay before me like
a thick rubber hose, its eyes glazing over as seconds ticked by. The crew
erupted in cheers again – for me, this time.
“Well done, Alex!” Homer said,
thumping me on the back when he approached me.
“Well done, indeed!” Mr. Caramel
bellowed. “Next, we’ll try Bessie, our Sumatran tiger. She’s a tough cookie,
but I think you’re ready for her. Just don’t kill her this time, will you?
Sumatran tigers are much rarer than cobras.”