The Planner outlines and details every chapter, every scene, every line before getting down to writing. Flash cards and Excel sheets are usually involved. It's pretty hardcore.
2. The Pantser
Panster, as in write by the seat of your pants. I.e. the opposite of the Plotter. Plan? What plan? They make it up as they go along. And somehow, it works for them.
3. The After-Hours Writer
Also known as the one responsible for the feverish mutterings in the middle of the night.
4. The Researcher
You know that half of what you've researched won't go into the book, but man does it take the pressure off writing the actual thing!
Also, everything counts as research. Including watching videos like this documentary on McBusted:
5. The Uninspired
6. The Inspired
Well. Good for you. Exit that way, please.
7. The Desperate
Desperate are those who have spent weeks and months tearing apart everything they write because nothing seems to be good enough.
8. The Emotional
They react to everything they write ... or don't write.
Guess which one I am now?
But I found this quote on Laini Taylor's blog that is somewhat encouraging:
"One reason people have artist's block is that they do not respect the law of dormancy in nature. Trees don't produce fruit all year long constantly. They have a point when they go dormant.~ Marshall Vandruff
And when you are in a dormant period creatively, if you can arrange your life to do the technical tasks that don't take creativity, you are essentially preparing for the spring when it will all blossom again."
Leave it to Laini to offer a dose of optimism. I swear, that woman inhales sunshine for breakfast. (Although with that fabulous pink hair, can she be anything but happy?)
Hope you're having a more creative day than me!
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