Friday, July 23, 2010

So close!

Dear Joyce,

Thanks for sending Red December Skies. Your writing is excellent and we love the premise. However, it seems that the voice in Ethel's and Jerry's chapters sound too similar. We also felt that the beginning could use more tension and a faster pace. We're going to have to pass on offering representation, but we're sure other agents will feel differently. Also, if you decide to revise or if you have other manuscripts in the future, we'd be willing to consider those as well. Thanks again for querying and best of luck placing your work.


Judith Engracia
Literary Assistant
Liza Dawson Associates

Thanks, Judith, for the feedback! Will work on it.


KC said...

Hey Joyce,

Keep on writing! :)

Joyce C said...

THANKYOU!! I will :) xx

Anonymous said...

Just wondering . . . After you sent in your manuscript, how long did it take until you got this response? Thanks.