Friday, May 15, 2009

I finally remember what my last point was. Swimming really clears your head. Mmm, swimming. Can't get enough of it.

Anyway. I borrowed this really amazingly helpful book from the library the evening before. It's Creating Characters: A Writer's Reference to the Personality Traits that Bring Fictional People to Life by Howard Lauther. And can I just say that it is incredibly useful if you want to create real, three-dimensional characters. It's got practically every aspect covered: internal/external traits, what the character wants/needs/not want/does not need/fears/believes, his strengths/weaknesses/habits/background/self-assessment/type (and they list out every possible type from A to Z)/job/ and even nickname; it asks what plot drivers will affect the character and whether he will face a non-human adversary.

I wish I could own the book. Thank you, Howard Lauther, for writing it.

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